Wytłaczanie zagięć (Embossing folds)
Stałym elementem budowania modeli
kartonowych jest zaginanie ścianek kartonu. Jest to ważna
część modelu, która ma wpływ na jego wygląd, łatwe sklejanie. Zagięcia wykonuje
się w następujący sposób:
Permanent part of building modelcard is bending cardboard walls. It is an important part of the model, which has an effect on its appearance, easy to gluing. The folds (embossing) are made as follows:
Permanent part of building modelcard is bending cardboard walls. It is an important part of the model, which has an effect on its appearance, easy to gluing. The folds (embossing) are made as follows:
Delikatne nacinanie widocznej linii
zagięcia nożem modelarskim – na ciemnym nadruku zawsze jest
widoczna biała linia kartonu (po przeciętym kartonie) którą
trudno wyretuszować, na jasnym nic nie widać. Można na linii
zagięcia wykonać kilkanaście delikatnych nacięć, które już
wystarczą do zagięcia kartonu. Takie wielokrotne nacięcie jest
mniej widoczne. Do formowaniu zagięcia można użyć tępej strony
noża modelarskiego, ale można wydrapać nadruk (zamiast noża
modelarskiego można użyć innego narzędzia), co wygląda brzydko i
jest trudne do wyretuszowania.
Delicate cutting knife visible fold line modeling - a dark print is always a visible white line card (the cut with a card) which is difficult to retouch, the on light print nothing can be seen. The fold lines may be make a few fine incisions, which already is sufficient to fold the card. Such a multiple incision is less visible. The forming the fold, you can use the blunt side modeling knife, but you can scratch printing (instead of a modeling knife, you can use another tool), which looks ugly and it is difficult to retouch.
Delicate cutting knife visible fold line modeling - a dark print is always a visible white line card (the cut with a card) which is difficult to retouch, the on light print nothing can be seen. The fold lines may be make a few fine incisions, which already is sufficient to fold the card. Such a multiple incision is less visible. The forming the fold, you can use the blunt side modeling knife, but you can scratch printing (instead of a modeling knife, you can use another tool), which looks ugly and it is difficult to retouch.
Wykonywanie formowania zagięć od
strony wewnętrznej kartonu, tam gdzie nie ma nadruku. Ponieważ tam
nie widać wydrukowanych linii zagięć, należy końce tych linii
zaznaczyć (delikatnie nakłuwając) cienką igłą, od strony
nadruku. Potem tępą stroną noża modelarskiego formuje się
zagięcie. Nic się nie stanie, jeśli zadrapie się powierzchnię
kartonu. Ale to bardzo pracochłonna metoda.
Can be formed by bending from the inner side of the carton, where there is no printing. Because there is no visible fold lines printed, should be noted the ends of the lines (gently piercing) thin needle from the print. Afterwards blunt side of a modeling knife bend is formed. Nothing will happen if you scratch the surface of the carton. Very easy leading with a steel line.
Can be formed by bending from the inner side of the carton, where there is no printing. Because there is no visible fold lines printed, should be noted the ends of the lines (gently piercing) thin needle from the print. Afterwards blunt side of a modeling knife bend is formed. Nothing will happen if you scratch the surface of the carton. Very easy leading with a steel line.
Zagięcie wytłoczone tępą stroną noża modelarskiego. Bending the blunt side of a knife pressed modeling. |
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Zagięcie wytłoczone nożem modelarskim. Fold embossed modeling knife. |
Non-destructive method for forming bends can be done using a used (written all) the contribution from the pen (ballpoint). It creates a real bending, does not scratch the surface of the carton and difficult to cut. Very easy leading with a steel line.
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Końcówka wypisanego długopisu. Tip checked out a pen holder set in a modeling knife. |
The end of the cartridge (ball) should be as small as 0.5mm. However, the discharged cartridge pen can cause a surprise: suddenly starts to write (dirty), and our pristine model! To avoid this, you need to clean the end of the cartridge (ballpoint) of the ink. Disassemble the pen, the cartridge and remove the metal tip into several hours to put it in a jar with a bit of an organic solvent (jar screw). For effective rinsing from time to time, the liquid in the jar vigorously stir. I waited two days. The end will be completely free of ink. To easily use the tool, the tip of the contribution of the best embedded in a modeling knife holder.